Saturday, March 14, 2009

Response to discrimination?

Now that you all have heard about what happened, what do you think we should do to address the actions of Union Bar and other local businesses that have discriminatory policies?

Share your ideas about what you think the next step should be.

Peace and solidarity,



  1. How did they know who was gay and who wasn't?

  2. Good question. At first, I don't think they did. However, from what I understand, it became sort of obvious once the line got longer and the crowd gathered that they were in a group. They did let in some gay people, but not any large groups (i.e. more than one or two people at a time, from what I understand). Also, it seems to have had a lot to do with the fact that it was mostly gay men, unaccompanied by women.

  3. I think it is customary practice at many bars in Houston to limit the male to female ratio to attract more patrons. That being said, it doesn't make it right. Boycotting the bars that continue this practice would hopefully make a statement. Fortunately the bars in question are not places I frequent anyway. Thanks for keeping Houston aware. It's discrimination period.

  4. I think we're too quick to cry 'discrimination.'

    There's two sides to every story. It's almost like you are looking to pick a fight with people who may already be on your side.

    It's embarassing when the gay community throws a tantrum like this.

    Think about it... if you were a restaurant owner and you saw a group the size of your maximum occupancy show up, you'd have a hard time letting them in for a number of reasons regardless.

    There's clearly still discrimination out there, but I think we're making more enemies for ourselves and getting a bad reputation by constantly seeking out 'issues' where there aren't any to begin with.
